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Thursday | Torstai 24.10.

Stik figure

Movement | LiikeEmilia Liimatainen

Sound | Ääni: Hermanni Keko


Sticks shift, sway, slide and fall. They effortlessly and without resistance respond to their immediate circumstances. Sticks always land in their designated places, in a perfect manner and timing. 


Besides gravity and other natural forces, the matter in the human body is moved, defined and restricted by the echoes and imprints of the lived past. Could a human body approach a state of presence as total and absolute as a stick - responding to the current moment in a deeply present way? 


Stick figure explores the movement of inanimate objects and the movement of a living human body and the juxtaposition of these two. 




Emilia Liimatainen is interested in the moving body in the places where the processes of art, mystery and healing overlap. Her way of investigating movement is inspired by butoh and other practices that explore the subconscious in the body, such as Authentic Movement.  

The soundscape is built from manipulated sounds of sticks. It is made by Hermanni Keko. Keko is interested in sound, movement and paintings.


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