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Thursday | Torstai 26.10.

7 pm | klo 19


Performer | Esiintyjä: Kea Tonetti

Live music | Live-musiikki: Tivitavi

“The Self, although hidden in all things, does not manifest its splendor”



We live under an enchantment, behind the veil of Maya, which hides the essential character of things, hypnotized by illusory ideas that generate desire, aversion or fear.

A white swan, wounded, oblivious of its splendor, dies and seems to scream: what is my name?


How can one make the poison of the worlds energies serve higher purposes? We can digest the poison or hold the nectar under our control.

The Serpent Goddess dances, the Kundalini: at first asleep, unconscious and dark, poisonous or poisoned; awakening she becomes harmless and her evil nature reveals itself as the most precious resource, when no effect remains of the poison, glory and power spread throughout the body and the being mute.

The old dies to give birth to the unborn. The veil of Maya is also power that reveals, removes ignorance, to remember that the spirit is in everything and being and never dies.


The swan shining in its whiteness receives the world and with immense joy says to itself: “I am that”

We are children of the Earth, our body is our sacred home. I dance with Mother Earth, her rivers and oceans, her forests and mountains. My empty body embrace the Universe, my spirit is love and compassion.


Kea Tonetti: Butoh dancer, choreographer and teacher. Her formation in dance started in 1979, trained in classical, modern, contemporary dance and Theater Dance in Italy, New York and Paris.  She met Butoh dance in 2002 and started a formation  with several teachers,  in Europe and Japan, among them: Atsushi Takenouchi, Yoshito Ohno, Seisaku, Yuri Nagaota, Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri, Joan Laage, Hisako Horikawa, Masaki Iwana. In 2008  she becomes a Sensitive Dance® teacher, a body practice born from the encounter between osteopathy and dance. Since several years she researches and practices Yoga, Shamanism, Tantra , Psycho-genealogy and the Way of the Tarot cards. In 2008 she founded, with Tivitavi,  Compagniakha,  a Butoh dance company that performed in festivals and theaters in Europe, Mexico, Russia and Ukraine. In 2021 with the performance "Mono", they won the artistic direction award of “Le voci dell’Anima" Festival in Rimini. Since several years she transmits her research in classes and workshops in studio and nature sites, and with Tivitavi they have a studio Spazio Continuum in Milano.

Tivitavi: Sound and visual artist. Since 1991 he follows different Masters from Yoga to Shamanism and he start researching about voice and mantra tecnique. He research in the sound with Djalu Gurruwiwi (didgeridoo), Mari Boine (Lapland singing), Saynko Namcylak (Tuvan throat-singing) and with Albert Rabenstein sound healing with Tibetan bells. He played for Cristobal Jodorowsky during the psicoshamanic rituals. In 2008 he founds  CompagniaKha with Kea Tonetti, producing performances of Butoh dance with live acoustic and electronic music.




Helsinki Butoh Festival 2019 - 2024

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