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Friday | Perjantai 25.10.

Flying Practice

Concept and choreography | Konsepti ja koreografia: Josephine Grundy

Sound recordings | Äänitallenteet: Chris Orton & Robert Grundy


My ties and ballast leave me – I travel, I sail – My elbows rest in the sea – I skirt the sierras – My palms cover continents – I am afoot with my vision.

Walt Whitman

Combining butoh dance and sculpture/puppetry, a performance that explores the possibility of transcending the physical confines of the body by giving breath to an inanimate object, carrying us into our dreams of flying.

Body beyond body
Skin outside skin
Weight and weightlessness
Absence becoming presence

*Ballast is dense material used as a weight to provide stability to a vehicle or structure. Ballast, other than cargo, may be placed in a vehicle, often a ship or the gondola of a balloon or airship, to provide stability.





Josephine Grundy (UK/France) is a multidisciplinary artist and teacher based in Barcelona.
Since she was a child she has always been close to music and visual art, and in her butoh practice she explores different possible relationships between body, voice and sound, different materials, and physical matter in general.

She has a degree in Human Sciences from University College London and a diploma in the Lecoq physical theatre method, as well as extensive training in vocal technique.

She began to study butoh dance in 2004 with different teachers from Japan and other parts of the world, including Rosana Barra, Atsushi Takenouchi, Tebby Ramisake, Imre Thormann, Minako Seki, Gyohei Zaitsu, Yoshito Ohno, Yumiko Yoshioka, and Seisaku, and has been developing her own work ever since, collaborating with other artists and performers, and giving regular classes and workshops.
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