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2019 Festival Program | 2019 Festivaaliohjelma

Helsinki Butoh Festival 4.11. - 7.11. brings a group of various butoh artists to Pluckhouse theatre. During four days, 16 artists from different backgrounds approach butoh-performance from their individual point of view.

Every night there will be two performances. Performances will start at 7 PM and last until around 8 PM. Duration of the performances will be 20-30 min. There will be a short break in between the performances. You can not enter the performances in the middle of the showtime, so make sure you arrive before 7 PM!

During the festival, there will be a butoh-themed photo exhibition at Pluckhouse theatre. As a part of the festival, there will also be two butoh workshops @QUERQ ry: on Sundays the 3rd and 10th 3 PM - 6 PM workshop, plus 6 PM - 9 PM jams.

Ensimmäistä kertaa järjestettävä Helsinki Butoh -festivaali 4.11. - 7.11. tarjoaa neljän päivän ajan elämänmakuisia performansseja Höyhentämöllä. Festivaalin esiintyjät tulevat erilaisista taustoista ja tuovat mukanaan esityksiin henkilökohtaisia tulokulmiaan butoh-performanssiin.

Jokaisena iltana on kaksi esitystä. Esitykset alkavat klo 19:00 ja päättyvät noin klo 20:00. Esitysten kesto on 20-30 minuuttia, ja niiden välissä on lyhyt tauko. Esityksiin ei voi saapua kesken illan, olethan siis ajoissa paikalla!

Höyhentämöllä on festivaalin ajan esillä butoh-aiheinen valokuvanäyttely. Osana festivaalia järjestetään myös kaksi butoh-työpajaa @QUERQ ry: sunnuntaisin 3.11. ja 10.11. klo 15:00 - 18:00, sekä jamit klo 18:00 - 21:00.

4.11. Maanantai klo 19:00 / Monday 7 PM

Tuuli Malla

This dance was prepared in the Central Park in Helsinki (Keskuspuisto), which I live next to and have roamed in for as long as I can remember. This time of the year leaves are decomposing, traffic can be heard in the distance.

'一期一会 / Ichigoichie'
Ken Mai

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and chance.

5.11. Tiistai klo 19:00 / Tuesday 7 PM

'Evol Ralullec'

A motion sequence for body and clarinet setting up a sensual connection on a cellular level.

On stage: Katia Shklyar & Fàtima Boix Cantó
Soundscape: Laura Weber
Light: Maria Bayat

'Läpikäytävä / Throughment'
Myrrys Kollektiivi

The entrance is always open. The contents are the reflections of the dreamscape. Inside, the necessity is dancing. The tunnel is meant to be passed through.

Myrrys Kollektiivi is a nomadic art laboratory formed by Sonja Kilpeläinen, Jaakko Kuikka, Emilia Liimatainen and Santeri Vikström, featuring Aleksandar Isailović (Serbia).


6.11. Keskiviikko klo 19:00 / Wednesday 7 PM

Sami Juhani Rekola

A child is born amidst an environmental catastrophe. Dreamed futures and wishes of continuity are projected onto the child. How does the child react and respond to both hope and destruction?


Pulse arises from Emptiness, vibrates in space and body – until it returns to the Emptiness. Maanväki (Spirits of Earth) leads the audience to the world of vibrations. The performance is a vivid journey, combining elements from shamanic singing, vocal soundscape and Japanese butoh-dance.

Breath in deeply, feel the Earth below your feet. You are welcome to travel alongside Maanväki!

Juha Kuurajärvi – shamanic singing, shaman drum, tenor recorder and harmonium
Anthoni Levonsaari – butoh-dance, wind chime, soprano recorder, lament


7.11. Torstai klo 19:00 / Thursday 7 PM

'For Mnemnosyne / Mnemnosynelle'

To Mnemnosyne, the goddess of memory, the daughter of Gaia, the Earth, and the mother of the nine muses. In this time of those who drank from the stream Lethe in Hades.
A partially improvisatory performance with butoh-influence.

Music and sound: Otto Eskelinen and Arwi Lind
Movement and performance: Aino Johansson

Mnemnosynelle, muistin jumalatterelle, Gaian, maan tyttärelle ja yhdeksän muusan äidille. Manalan, Tuonelan, Hadeksen virrasta Lethestä juopuneiden ajassa.
Osittain improvisoitu butosta vaikutteita saanut performanssi.

Musiikki ja ääni: Otto Eskelinen ja Arwi Lind
Liike: Aino Johansson



Dance | Tanssi: Inari Virmakoski

Shakuhachi: Jaakko Kuikka

Meri Karhu

A body, a star, tossed into the mist. With dance it recovers its entity. I have been offered a rhythm to breathe to, a whole universe of aliveness. Now I give myself back.

Workshops 2019

Two creative movement workshops held by Santeri Vikström & Meri Karhu at Querq Ry 3.11. & 10.11.

After the workshops, there will be a 3 hour butoh a.k.a. free dance jam. In the jams, there will be various soundscapes and experimental music.

Workshops and jams are suitable for everybody interested in dance, movement meditation and movement based body research. No previous dance experience needed!

In the workshops, we use various body-mind techniques and imagination work, encouraging people to find their own authentic style of movement.

What does butoh propose?

The question is: how do I dance the dance of my being in this moment? Everytime we do butoh, we should start fresh again, forget everything. Penetrate the present, the ultimate reality. We are touching new realities every time.

Butoh can be a way to face our fears, learn to stay in our center in times of great discomfort, surrender to the unknown, shed the skins that no longer have a place in our lives, and open ourselves to a life beyond the linear, daily world. Butoh can be a way of unbearable compassion, of prayer, of metamorphosis, of ritualistic transformation.

>> 3.11., 15-18 held by Santeri Vikström, jam at 18-21
>> 10.11., 15-18 held by Meri Karhu, jam at 18-21

Helsinki Butoh Festival 2019 - 2024

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